Saturday, August 10, 2013

Leaving home again

I ended up spending my last week in Tübingen mostly not in Tübingen, because there was suddenly so many things that seemed more important than going to my last classes. The Grafs picked me up on Sunday, the day after the Holifest in Tü, and I went to stay with them until Tuesday. Then I took the train to Würzburg to visit Krissi and her family for a last time as well. On Thursday I headed back to Tü and finished up university business, packed and moved out of my room, and hung out with my friends there until Saturday morning when I headed to the summer camp.

At the Holifest
It was really strange to finally leave Tübingen because even though I knew it was coming and had been there since April, it seemed like it happened really fast and sudden. Saying goodbye to my host families and friends was really hard and strange because I really don’t know when I’m going to see them again, or if I’ll ever see them again, now that we’re so far away. It was so cute and sad when my younger host sister, Nele, asked me when I was going to visit again, because even if I see them again in a couple years, that will feel like a much longer time for her than it would for me. There were definitely tears shed when hugging everyone goodbye and just knowing how far around the world we were about to be from each other. The worst was when I was leaving the Abschiedsparty at Kuckuck and had to say goodbye to my friend Heloise and was crying and sad, then proceeded to cut my foot on a broken cocktail glass and bleed for a long while until it stopped…

At one of the University buildings

As excited as I was getting to go home, finally leaving was pretty sad and I felt like I could have stayed longer. After being around my friends in Tübingen since April, we had gotten really close and I didn’t want to leave what we had there. I am so excited to see Gus and my family and Domino again when I get home, and then to move back to Ann Arbor in my new house, but goodbyes are never easy.

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