My February class: 14 students and 7 nationalities! So süß. |
Well, today was the first day of March classes and just as I expected, I was a little more than disappointed with my new class... All of my classmates seem nice, but our teacher speaks sooooo slllllowwwwwlllllyyyy and we literally only did about 20% of the amount of activities as we would do in my class last month. Hopefully it will get better, because practically falling asleep on the first day is never a good sign and I constantly kept wishing that it was my February class!
On the plus side, it is currently sunny, 60 degrees, and feeling like spring here! Some friends and I ate lunch while drinking Radlers (bier and lemonade) along the river and it felt quite heavenly compared to the cold wintery weather we've been having. Afterwards I was on such a sun-high that I decided to go running for the second day in a row, something that I do very seldom. Here's to hoping German weather isn't as inconstant as Michigan weather!
We miss you!